From May 2015, the new government’s mantra for change was hinged on fighting corruption in Nigeria. Since then the crusade against corruption has been on. The media, as the fourth estate of the realm, in their Agenda-setting function and framing are expected to concomitantly key into government agenda in their coverage. The question however is to what extent have the Nigerian 12 media complemented government’s efforts in the fight against corruption through reporting? In spite of the great role the media are expected to play in the fight against corruption in the society, it seems however, that there is still a marginally disproportionate coverage and reportage of corruption in developing countries like Nigeria. The World Anti-Corruption Watchdog, the Transparency International, reported in its recent anticorruption handbook that a free and independent media is one of the principal vehicles for informing the public about corrupt activities (AFRICAW, 2012). AFRICAW group equally stated that the Transparency International noted that by investigating and reporting on corruption, the media provide an important counterpoint to the abuse of entrusted power for private gain by beaming light on the wrongdoings of public office holders and corporate executives alike. Previous literature has raised doubts on media’s efficient and effective coverage of corruption in Nigeria as a whole due to some factors such as partisanship, media corruption, ethnicity, commercialisation of media, ownership factors and religious affiliations. Corruption, especially as it relates to Nigeria, is laden with ethnic, religious and sacred cow biases. Lustgorten and Debix (2005) corroborating the views expressed above, observed that the media’s preference for flashy audience grabbing and ratings-soaring image or story makes them to be nonchalant in matters which are of interest to the public owing to their inability to peruse events in detail (Bello, 2014). Therefore, looking at these possible biases, this work examined, how such biasesreflected in media framing of corruption issues. The persistence of Transparency International (2002) in setting Nigeria among the bottom five nations in its annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) since 1995 is an indication that the media may not have performed this role effectively (Sowumi, et al 2012). 13 It is against this backdrop that this study investigated the real situation on ground as regards Nigerian newspapers’ coverage and framing of President Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade. The study examined the quantity and quality of newspaper coverage and framing of the anti-corruption crusade since the period under study signifies the highest point in Nigeria’s history in the fight against corruption, this work was further interested in finding out whether there is a correspondent coverage of anti-corruption issues compared with the realities on ground in Nigeria in the current administration. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Considering the reported prevalence of corruption and corrupt practices in Nigeria and the President Buhari APC-led administration’s agenda to fight corruption, the main objective of the study was to examine Nigerian newspaper coverage and framing of the anti-corruption agenda of the present administration. Specifically, the study sought to: 1. Ascertain the extent/frequency of coverage of anti-corruption stories in National Newspapers from June 2015 to May 2017. 2. Find out the level of prominence given to anti-corruption stories in National Daily Newspapers in Nigeria during the period under study. 3. Find out how these anti-corruption stories are framed in selected Nigerian National Daily Newspapers. 4. Ascertain the nature of the anti-corruption stories or news contained in selected National Dailies/Newspapers in Nigeria
Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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